The word Shaant comes from Shanti, (ˈʃɑːntiː ) noun. Hinduism. a Sanskrit word meaning peace or inner peace.

The project's challenge was to create a visual identity for the artist Shaant. The visual identity had to be connected to the meaning of the name (Shanti). Since Shanti signifies inner peace, the logo was designed with these attributes in mind and had to evoke this feeling when seen. The logo couldn't be something rough, abrupt, overly complicated, or aggressive. It had to be something peaceful and smooth, conveying a lighter, uncomplicated, and gentle feeling to the audience.

References were drawn from the Hebrew alphabet as well as the Hindi alphabet.

The rest of the visual identity sought to convey this lighter, joyful, and mystical feeling to its audience. The artist always aims to transmit positive energy, feelings of peace, and love through his music.

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